by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -
Springs supporters were stymied in efforts to get more money to protect north Florida springs but a powerful ally in the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee secured funding for the Everglades and Indian River Lagoon during the 2014 Legislative Session.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -
Discharges from Lake Okeechobee flooded the Indian River Lagoon last year and smothered seagrass and oysters under a blanket of brown-colored water. DEP is asking the Corps of Engineers to review its operational manuals on the eve of South Florida's rainy season.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -

Rep. Steve Crisafulli, the incoming House speaker in 2015, said he will take a comprehensive approach to dealing with water issues. The Senate's spring bill was never heard in the House. " There was a lot of folks who didn't see that as being the right approach for what is right for the future," he said after the session ended. Senators vowed to be back with legislation in 2015.
by Arek Sarkissian - 12 months ago -

Florida legislators are trading last-minute offers to come up with a final deal on a new state budget. In the latest round of negotiations the Senate requested $150,000 to study separating the joint-university engineering school and
the House agreed to spend money to restore Florida's springs and help with the Indian River Lagoon.
by Bruce Ritchie - 13 months ago -

The Senate's proposed Fiscal Year 2014-15 state budget includes $157.8 million for restoration of the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee system. That compares to $125 million in the House budget.
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -
DEP says permits for drilling have not been allowed in The Everglades, as defined as 2.5 million acres of government-owned land. Meanwhile, some environmentalists say they hear that hydraulic fracturing bills appear dead for the 2014 session. "I think it's awful early to call a bill dead when session hasn't even begun yet," said Rep. Ray Rodrigues, R-Estero.
by Bruce Ritchie - 15 months ago -

In his FY 2013-14 budget request, Gov. Rick Scott requests $30 million in new revenue for the Florida Forever land-buying program plus $40 million from the sale of nonconservation lands. Laurie Macdonald of the Florida Forever Coalition says money from land sales is a good source but also is uncertain. ... Related Research: Jan. 29, 2014 Florida DEP press release on Gov. Rick Scott's 2014-15 budget request.
by Bruce Ritchie - 16 months ago -
The $130 million in projects are included within the $170 million recommended in November by the Senate Select Committee on Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin. Meanwhile, environmental groups held events in 16 cities to launch their campaign for a "Clean Water Declaration" asking the state to stop pollution at the source.
by Bruce Ritchie - 16 months ago -
The opening comments by Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government chair, indicated that a select committee's recommendations to spend $220 million on restoration and water storage projects will get closer scrutiny. ... Related Research: Jan. 15, 2015 Indian River Lagoon presentations to Senate subcommittee, and Nov. 8, 2013 Report of the Senate Select Committee on Lake Okeechobee and Indian River Lagoon Basin.
by Bruce Ritchie - 16 months ago -
SB 312 would allow farmers with water storage projects to maintain their agricultural greenbelt tax classifications. With support from agriculture groups, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Florida and Audubon Florida, SB 372 passed its second committee stop this past week. ... Related Research: Jan. 13, 2014 South Florida Water Management District Dispersed Water Management Storage Program.
by Bruce Ritchie - 17 months ago -

John H. Trefry, a Florida Institute of Technology professor, told the Senate Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation that 5 million to 7 million cubic yards of foul muck covers portions of the Indian River Lagoon and has helped kill 47,000 acres of sea grass. He gave each senator a quart-size bag of muck with the warning not to open them. ... Related Research: Presentation by John H. Trefry to Senate Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation.
by Bruce Ritchie - 18 months ago -
Record high water levels this summer followed summer rains and discharges from Lake Okeechobee. "If we can't get an emergency policy on extreme high water, we could destroy the central Everglades before we get it approved, funded and built over the next 17 to 20 years," Commissioner Ron Bergeron said. ... Related Research: Nov. 20. 2013 FWC presentation on Everglades restoration, and Nov. 15, 2013 FWC Everglades position paper on water levels.
by Bruce Ritchie - 18 months ago -
As former Gov. Charlie Crist announced this week he's campaigning as a Democrat for his old job he touched on environmental themes. However, former U.S. Sen. George LeMieux, in a GOP response, said he isn't sure where Crist stands on the environment today. Environmental group representatives say Crist's record was a good one despite a shift on offshore drilling in 2008.
by Bruce Ritchie - 20 months ago -
The proposed ballot measure would generate $19 billion over 20 years, according to state analysts. Supporters say the measure is needed because the Legislature has cut funding for land acquisition and Everglades restoration. But some legislators have begun speaking out against the measure, saying it would tie their hands in writing the state budget. ... Related Research: Sept. 26, 2013 Florida Supreme Court advisory opinion on land-buying amendment, and full text of the amendment.
by Bruce Ritchie - 20 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 20 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 21 months ago -