by Bill Cotterell - 29 months ago -
The 44-page report says all persons have a right to feel safe and secure in Florida and have a fundamental right to defend themselves from attack with proportionate force. However, legal clarification of when it can be used is needed, panel says. ... Related Research: Final Report of the Governor's Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection.
by Bruce Ritchie - 36 months ago -
Relief bills are the first to be filed, by an Aug. 1 deadline under Senate rules. The Florida Constitution provides sovereign immunity to state and local governments but it also allows that immunity from civil or criminal suits to be waived by the Legislature, said former Rep. Talbot "Sandy" D'Alemberte. ... Related Research: The 19 claim bills filed for the 2013 legislative session, rules pertaining to claim bills, and list of claim bills from the 2012 session.
by Gray Rohrer - 40 months ago -
Aside from the claims bill for Eric Brody, severely injured by a speeding Broward County Sheriff, the governor signed bills for awards to Aaron Edwards and the parents Rachel Hoffman. Edwards suffered brain injuries during his birth in a public hospital and Hoffman died as a confidential informant for Tallahassee police in a drug case.
by Travis Pillow - 41 months ago -
Here's what passed, what failed and what you need to know about issues affecting justice and courts. Attempts to privatize prisons failed, but the final state budget that was approved would close six prisons across the state but spare the rural Jefferson Correctional Institution.
by Gray Rohrer - 42 months ago -
HB 141 awards $1.35 million to William Dillon, who was wrongfully convicted of murder and incarcerated for 27 years. HB 445 awards $10.75 million to Eric Brody, who was severely injured when his vehicle was struck by a Broward County Sheriff's deputy in 1998.
by Gray Rohrer - 42 months ago -
The Brody family has traveled to Tallahassee in recent years to push for the bill's passage. They were in attendance at the Capitol last year on the final day of session when the House failed to take up the bill as the chamber warred with the Senate over budget conforming bills.
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 43 months ago -

A top priority for the Florida Medical Association has now made it through two committees in the Florida House.
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 51 months ago -
Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday quietly signed into law 48 bills, including major overhauls of Medicaid, as well as bills dealing with abortion, growth management, vouchers and online education. The governor also signed a measure dealing with sovereign immunity.
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 52 months ago -
A bill that provides sovereign immunity to University of Miami staff and employees who work at Jackson Memorial is on its way to Gov Scott. Opponents say the bill was broadened and applies to more than just the University of Miami.
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 52 months ago -
Legislature approves a bill that provides sovereign immunity to Shands and the not-for-profit it may create. Bill sponsor Sen. Thrasher calls the bill "significant."
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 53 months ago -
Senate panels on Tuesday approved bills dealing with medical malpractice and sovereign immunity, while a House panel met quickly and approved a medical malpractice measure. Gov. Rick Scott called on the Republican-controlled Legislature to approve lawsuit limits this year.
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 54 months ago -
Sen. John Thrasher is the main sponsor of the measure that would offer lawsuit liability protections to everyone who works at Shands -- not just physicians who are part of the University of Florida faculty.