by Gray Rohrer - 21 months ago -
A new report from the Congressional Budget Office showing a hike in the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour could cost up to 1 million jobs despite lifting people out of poverty wasn't enough to get Gov. Rick Scott to take a definitive position on the issue. Former Gov. Charlie Crist is in favor of the increase but it's unlikely to pass at the state level even if he gets his old job back. ... Related Research: Poll results and CBO's new report.
by Gray Rohrer - 24 months ago -

Florida's minimum wage will rise by 14 cents starting Jan. 1, but the minimum unemployment tax rate will fall sharply. ... Related Research: DEO 2014 Florida Minimum Wage Calculations, DOR 2014 Reemployment Tax Rates Fact Sheet, and DEO Florida's Minimum Wage announcement.
by Travis Pillow - 45 months ago -
A Miami-Dade County circuit court has ruled against a challenge of a local "wage theft" ordinance that allows workers to claim unpaid wages and damages from their employers without having to go to court.
by Brent Henzi - 57 months ago -
A Leon County Circuit Court ruling that the state miscalculated the minimum wage will force a 6-cent increase beginning June 1. The state says it does not have plans to appeal.
by Brent Henzi - 58 months ago -
A bill that would allow the minimum wage to be calculated using decreases in the cost of living passed a House panel on Tuesday. Supporters call it "common sense," while others call it an attack on the poor and a bail out for the Agency for Workforce Innovation, which currently faces a lawsuit over wage rate calculations.