by Arek Sarkissian - 18 months ago -
The Senate version of a bill that would forbid an abortion if the fetus could survive outside the womb cleared its final committee stop on Monday. The House has already approved a measure declaring a state interest in a fetus.
by Arek Sarkissian - 19 months ago -
HB 1047 would prohibit late-term abortions if the fetus can live outside the womb. Current law sets the 24th week as the threshold to prohibit abortion and the proposal would set fetus viability as the standard.
by Bill Cotterell - 25 months ago -

Rep. Larry Ahern and Sen. Kelli Stargel contend their proposals is not an abortion bill but an effort to protect pregnant women and their unborn babies.
by LobbyTools - 31 months ago -

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is more than 3 years old but formulating a response to it was the No. 1 health issue facing the Florida Legislature in 2013. Lawmakers began their spring session with select committees to address issues the mammoth health care law created and needed resolved by the end of the year. Read more ...
by Bill Cotterell - 32 months ago -
Gov. Rick Scott praises the "Florida Unborn Victims of Violence Act" -- co-sponsored by Reps. Larry Ahern, R-St. Petersburg, and James Grant, R-Tampa -- as "a major step in protecting the life of mothers and the unborn."
by Bill Cotterell - 32 months ago -
Two other abortion-related bills are set for House floor votes on Friday.
by Bill Cotterell - 32 months ago -
Supporters aim to shift attention and debate away from abortion to Medicaid expansion to provide health insurance to about 1.2 million poor Floridians.
by Aggregation Desk - 48 months ago -
Three bills received initial approval Tuesday from the House Health & Human Services Access Subcommittee after sometimes emotional debate and public testimony. They passed on party-line votes: Republicans for and Democrats against.
by Travis Pillow - 52 months ago -
There are 29 bills signed into law by Gov. Rick Scott with effective dates on Oct. 1. They range from medical malpractice reforms to morality issues.
by Florida Current Staff - 55 months ago -
Gov. Rick Scott late Friday signed two controversial abortion bills, including one that would require women in their first trimester to get an ultrasound prior to obtaining an abortion. Scott also signed a bill that puts in place the first phase of his corporate income tax as well as a measure that shifts the burden of proof in permitting challenges. Scott, however, said he was troubled by parts of the bill, saying it could create a "safe haven for wrongdoers."
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 56 months ago -
Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday quietly signed into law 48 bills, including major overhauls of Medicaid, as well as bills dealing with abortion, growth management, vouchers and online education. The governor also signed a measure dealing with sovereign immunity.
by Florida Current Staff - 57 months ago -
Florida lawmakers this week wrapped up a bumpy, yet ambitious session where they tackled everything from revamping Medicaid to instituting a new merit pay system for teachers. Gov. Rick Scott also had a successful first session as lawmakers passed much of his legislative agenda including a cut in the corporate income tax.
by Kim MacQueen - 57 months ago -
Senators make bipartisan pleas both for and against measures designed to tighten laws restricting abortions. One bill makes it more difficult for a minor to receive an abortion without a parent's consent, and another revives a measure to require women receive ultrasounds prior to the procedure.
by Gary Fineout - 57 months ago -
The Republican-led Legislature on Wednesday placed five constitutional amendments on the ballot dealing with everything from abortion to tax breaks for first-time homebuyers. Some Democrats insisted that the measures were intended to drive up turnout in the crucial 2012 election.
by Florida Current Staff - 57 months ago -
by Kim MacQueen - 57 months ago -
by Florida Current Staff - 57 months ago -
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 59 months ago -
by Christine Jordan Sexton - 59 months ago -