by Bruce Ritchie - 13 months ago -
Springs supporters were stymied in efforts to get more money to protect north Florida springs but a powerful ally in the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee secured funding for the Everglades and Indian River Lagoon during the 2014 Legislative Session.
by Bruce Ritchie - 22 months ago -
The bill filed by Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda represents a national debate over genetically modified organisms. She filed a similar bill last year but it was never heard in a committee. ... Related Research: Several articles and studies about genetically modified foods.
by LobbyTools - 26 months ago -

Cat colonies and coal ash, fracking and fertilizer. The 2013 legislative session was surprisingly active on the environmental front with old battles being waged and new issues emerging. Some issues will still be fought out in the weeks ahead as groups seek vetoes of bills that were passed. But compromise reigned on other issues as old adversaries united in the end to advance legislation.
by Bruce Ritchie - 26 months ago -
The Florida Chamber of Commerce says HB 999 is among the bills that will make Florida more competitive economically. But environmentalists still didn't like it after getting fertilizer and wetlands language removed. "It's still a collection of bad ideas," said Eric Draper, executive director of Audubon Florida.
by Florida Current Staff - 26 months ago -

This week we learned that House Speaker Will Weatherford says if state employee pension changes aren't approved this year, they will come back again, and that Gov. Rick Scott is on the lookout for lawmakers' special projects as he advocates for his priorities.
by Bruce Ritchie - 27 months ago -
HB 999 covers a wide variety of permitting issues. An amendment to ban new fertilizer ordinances beyond the state model ordinance was withdrawn while another amendment ratifying Everglades farming leases was approved.
by Gray Rohrer - 27 months ago -

The storefront video gaming centers are now outlawed in the state of Florida. The governor said the Legislature "did the right thing" by banning the stores as illegal gambling, but made it clear he doesn't want to dwell on the legislation. He wants lawmakers to get back to his main priorities of teacher raises and a tax break for manufacturers.
by Bruce Ritchie - 27 months ago -

Audubon Florida joins Plum Creek timber company and the Florida Land Council in supporting expansion of "best management" practices to help wildlife. A House bill was amended Wednesday and an identical amendment is proposed for the Senate companion to be considered in a subcommittee on Thursday.