by Bruce Ritchie - 23 months ago -
The study commissioned by the National Wildlife Foundation and the Southern Environmental Law Center raises concerns about natural forests being converted into pine plantations to feed energy plants. The American Petroleum Institute touted another study showing Florida would receive $1 billion over an 18-year period from drilling off the Atlantic Coast. ... Related Research: Biomass energy study news release and report, and Atlantic coast drilling study news release and report.
by Bruce Ritchie - 27 months ago -

In 2012, HB 7117, a comprehensive energy bill, required a study of the sustainability of Florida forests amid concerns that biomass energy plants would compete with existing industry for wood. The new report found that Florida's forests overall are sustainable. But the Dogwood Alliance says the report shows there is pressure on forests in some regions of the state, and a University of Florida professor questions the narrow scope of the study. ... Related Research: Letters, releases and reports.
by Bruce Ritchie - 32 months ago -
A 2008 energy law required gasoline sold in Florida to contain about 10 percent ethanol with a variety of exemptions, including for fuels sold for boats, small motors and collector vehicles.
by Bruce Ritchie - 34 months ago -
The Legislature in 2011 voted to move the state energy office from the governor's office to Putnam's department, raising hopes among environmentalists for leadership on renewable energy and energy policy. Putnam isn't recommending energy legislation this year but says he is supporting expansion of natural gas infrastructure and vehicle fleets. ... Related Research: Oct. 25, 2012 BP announcement cancelling plans for US cellulosic ethanol plant.
by Bruce Ritchie - 36 months ago -
An identical bill filed by Rep. Matt Gaetz in advance of the 2012 session died after clearing its first committee stop. Despite other language that passed stating that it is legal to sell ethanol-free gasoline, Gaetz said the continued requirement to produce gasoline with ethanol represents an "erosion of economic freedom."
by Bruce Ritchie - 39 months ago -
According to the indictment, William A. Vasden Jr. falsely claimed that he was a farmer whose family owned thousands of acres of land and was selling the harvested crops to customers, including the military, for a substantial profit. An operational audit by state agriculture officials who oversee the state energy grant programs led to criminal cases against Vasden's USCJO Inc. and ARI Green Energy Inc. ... Related Research: Vasden's indictment and other related items.
by Bruce Ritchie - 40 months ago -

Sheehan in 2011 was made director of the Office of Energy after the Legislature passed a bill moving it from the governor's office to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Sheehan this week was preparing for the 2012 Florida Energy Summit, which begins Wednesday in Orlando. ... Related Research: Read Patrick Sheehan's CV and his biography, as well as FDACS' announcement of his appointment as the director of the Office of Energy.
by Bruce Ritchie - 45 months ago -
HB 7117, described by Putnam as being based on "modest" policy recommendations to diversify Florida's energy supply, sailed through the Legislature with near unanimous support. But The Tea Party Network of Florida and other conservative groups are calling for a veto because of the $100 million in tax breaks it provides over five years.
by Bruce Ritchie - 45 months ago -
Tea party groups The Heartland Institute and Americans for Prosperity-Florida on Tuesday called for a veto of the HB 7117 energy bill, saying government should not involve itself in the energy marketplace. Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda said Thursday, "If they were true to their principles then advanced nuclear cost recovery would horrify them."
by Bruce Ritchie - 45 months ago -
The Tea Party Network of Florida and the Florida Renewable Energy Producers Association are asking Gov. Rick Scott to veto HB 7117. The bill was based upon what Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam called "modest" recommendations to help ensure an energy bill passes the Legislature this year.
by Bruce Ritchie - 46 months ago -
The Senate on Thursday passed HB 7117 after stripping out a provision that faced opposition from large power customers. On Friday, House Democrats joined Republicans expressing frustration but said the bill needed to be passed to move Florida forward on energy policy. The bill passed 116-2.
by Bruce Ritchie - 46 months ago -
"We prefer the Senate bill," said Nancy Stephens, executive director of the Manufacturers Association of Florida. "We felt that language about the PSC left room for interpretation." Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, though, thanked the House for passing the first comprehensive energy bill in four years.
by Bruce Ritchie - 47 months ago -
HB 7117 was amended Friday to strip language that would have moved the Office of Public Counsel from under the Legislature to the Cabinet. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam says the "modest" bill is needed to show the Legislature can pass an energy legislation after failing to do so for the past three years.
by Bruce Ritchie - 47 months ago -
His amendment to SB 2094 would have allowed utilities to recover costs for plant upgrades without having to go to the Public Service Commission for a rate request. "We see the amendment as a one-way street to a rate increase," said Jon Moyle, an attorney representing the Florida Industrial Power Users Group.
by Bruce Ritchie - 47 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 48 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 48 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 49 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 49 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 49 months ago -